International collaborations
Il Dipartimento è stato disattivato con D.R. n. 3403 del 22.09.2022
Tutte le attività didattiche, di ricerca e di terza missione proseguono regolarmente
nella disponibilità del Dipartimento di Scienze del Suolo, della Pianta e degli Alimenti (DISSPA)
The DiSAAT Department has been deactivated and all activities have been moved to the DiSSPA Department. THE phD COURSE, THEREFORE, CONTINUES ITS ACTIVITIES REGULARLY AT THE DISSPA Department.
The link to the new website is:
During the PhD program, the student will carry out a study period in public or private foreign institutions for research needs. This period cannot exceed half duration of the program (i.e., maximum 18 months). The location for carrying out such activity must be agreed with the tutor. It must be authorized by the Program Coordinator, for periods of up to six months, or by the Teaching Body, for periods of more than six months. Currently, many international Centers are collaborating with the Teaching Body and, among them, some have permanent agreements with this PhD program: