Research topics

The current fields of scientific investigation of the Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology unit include:

  • pharmacological and toxicological properties of natural substances or products with potential application for treatment and/or prevention of disease conditions affecting animal species of veterinary interest;
  • molecular and cellular events of the innate immune response in the context of common diseases of veterinary animal species (e.g.: laminitis, asthma, mastitis, IBD, leishmaniasis), with the aim to identify and characterize targets for pharmacological action and/or potential biomarkers;
  • pharmacokinetic and/or pharmacodynamic behaviour of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in minor species, with the aim to optimize treatment protocols;
  • pharmacokinetic behaviour of non steroidal antinflammatory drugs and chemotherapics in wild and exotic species, with particular attention to marine turtles and raptors;
  • ecotoxicology applied to the Mediterranean environment: pollution by heavy metals (Pb, Cd, As, Cu, Hg and new platinum-like series) in Apulian and Lucan habitats using wild species as bioindicators;
  • evaluation of environmental spread of antibiotic resistance using bacteria isolated from aquatic and terrestrial wild animal species;
  • evaluation of mechanisms of resistance to ectocides in parasites of food producing animals.
pubblicato il 28/06/2016 ultima modifica 04/10/2024

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