School: Frontiers in Nuclear and Hadronic Physics 2025

The school is primarily addressed to Ph.D. students in Theoretical Nuclear and Hadronic Physics.

The participation of experimentalists and post-docs is also encouraged. The 2025 edition will provide a pedagogical introduction to the basic concepts and tools needed for carrying out research on the structure of the nucleon, also using Machine Learning techniques, Lattice QCD, and hadron spectroscopy and exotics.. There will be four hours of lecture in the morning and two in the afternoon. Lectures will be in person and mainly on the blackboard, with the support of slides. Ample time will be reserved for study and discussions with lecturers and senior participants. Some seminars, usually devoted to experimental aspects, will also be organized. A desk and standard research facilities will be provided to all participants. Please click here for more details concerning admission, accommodation, and practical information.

Info evento
  • Cosa

    Bacheca - Dottorato di ricerca

  • Quando

    dal 18/02/2025 08:00 al 28/02/2025 08:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)

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