Elenco ammessi prova orale - Dottorato XL ciclo - a.a. 2024/2025 https://www.uniba.it/it/dottorati/dottorati/40-ciclo/40-ciclo-2024-2025/procedure-di-selezione/ssa/elenco-ammessi-orale https://www.uniba.it/logo.png Elenco ammessi prova orale - Dottorato XL ciclo - a.a. 2024/2025 List of candidates admitted to the oral examination_PHD 40_RESERVED TO CANDIDATES FROM FOREIGN UNIVERSITIES.pdf List of candidates admitted to the oral examination_PHD 40_CALL FOR THE ASSIGNMENT OF PHD SCHOLARSHIPS .pdf
Elenco ammessi prova orale - Dottorato XL ciclo - a.a. 2024/2025 https://www.uniba.it/it/dottorati/dottorati/40-ciclo/40-ciclo-2024-2025/procedure-di-selezione/ssa/elenco-ammessi-orale https://www.uniba.it/logo.png Elenco ammessi prova orale - Dottorato XL ciclo - a.a. 2024/2025 List of candidates admitted to the oral examination_PHD 40_RESERVED TO CANDIDATES FROM FOREIGN UNIVERSITIES.pdf List of candidates admitted to the oral examination_PHD 40_CALL FOR THE ASSIGNMENT OF PHD SCHOLARSHIPS .pdf
List of candidates admitted to the oral examination_PHD 40_RESERVED TO CANDIDATES FROM FOREIGN UNIVERSITIES.pdf
List of candidates admitted to the oral examination_PHD 40_CALL FOR THE ASSIGNMENT OF PHD SCHOLARSHIPS .pdf