Professional Experience.
- RTDB Researcher, University of Bari, Italy, 02/2022 - present
- RTDA researcher, University of Bari, Italy, 07/2019 - 02/2022
- Post-Doc at Temple University, ICMS, Philadelphia, USA, 02/2018 - 07/2019
- PhD in Physics and Chemistry of Biological Systems (with honors), SISSA, Trieste, Italy, 10/2017
- Master's degree in Theoretical Physics, University of Bari, Italy 04/2013 (110/110 with honors)
- Winner of the European fellowship "Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions call H2020- MSCA-IF-2018 for individual fellowships" in 2019
- Award for the best doctoral thesis in the area of Physics at SISSA, Trieste, Italy, 11/2018
Research Grants
- 2023-2025: PON 2022HNW5YL "Motility and communication in active matter (MOCA): from aggregation in quorum sensing to signal transmission in biofilms" as local PI of the project.
Invited talks
- "Topological friction in nanopore translocation," Nanofluids23, Lyon, France 2023
- "DNA supercoiling: statistical physics, theoretical models and experiments." Santadi 2023
- "Ion channels in critical membranes: Clustering, cooperativity and memory effects" Young Seminars SIFS, online, 2023
- "Topological friction in nanopore translocation" CECAM Flagship workshop on "Nanopore Translocation and Nanochannel Confined Biopolymers," SISSA, Trieste, 2021
- "Accessibility of endonuclease to DNA origami: role of local and global fluctuations" oxDNA users and developers workshop 2019, University of Oxford, England, 2019
- "Pore translocation of knotted DNA rings" Self-Assembly, Recognition and Applications, University of Lincoln, UK, 2017
Selected talks
- Biophysical Society 67th Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, 2023
- Active days EUTOPIA Challenges in Active Matter, Paris, France, 2022
- Italian Soft Days 2022, Bari, Italy, 2022
- Topology, Physics, and Chemistry of Soft Matter: EUTOPIA-IV, Trento, Italy, 2022
- Biophysical Society 63rd Annual Meeting, Baltimore, USA, 2019
- FISMAT 2017, Trieste, Italy, 2017
- APS March Meeting 2017, New Orleans, USA, 2017
- Biophysical Society 61st Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 2017
- APS March Meeting 2016, Baltimore, USA, 2016
- FISMAT 2015, Palermo, Italy, 2015
Peer-review activities
I have peer-reviewed scientific articles for Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X, Physical Review E, Soft Matter, Scientific Reports.
Teaching activities.
Courses as a main lecturer:
- Molecular dynamics, from 2020 to present, for the master's degree program in theoretical physics.
- Statistical physics, from 2023 to present, for the bachelor's degree program in physics.
- Physics II, from 2020 to 2023, for the bachelor's degree program in environmental science.