Attività di Ricerca
Pietro Santamaria has been Principal Investigator (PI) or Associated Investigator (AI) in many research projects: “Biodiversity of vegetable crops in Puglia region” - funded by Puglia Region (2013-2018; PI - coordinator of 15 units); “Microgreens: novel fresh and functional food to explore all the value of biodiversity” - funded by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (PI, 2015); “Posidonia residues integrated management for ecosustainability” (PRIME) - LIFE09 ENV/IT/061 (scientific coordinator, 2011); “Hydroponic growing table grapes: potential for the future of the crop” - funded by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (PI, 2009-2011); PRIN (Research Projects of National Interest): call 2009 (“Physiological response, growth, yield, and quality of grafted tomato under combined excess boron and salinity stress” - AI), call 2007 (“Vegetable grafting: biophysiological basis, effects on crop and product quality” - AI), call 2005 (“Tomato production in a sub-irrigation system using low concentration nutrient solution with silicon” - AI), call 2003 (“Effects of substrate and water tension on tomato yield and composition of re-circulating nutrient solution in a zero runoff subirrigation system” - AI); “Nitrogen Fertilization Management for Vegetables” (AZORT) – funded by Sicily Region (2007-2011; AI, coordinator for Puglia, Basilicata and Sicily); “Innovative cropping systems based on superabsorbent and biodegradable hydrogel” (COL.GEL) funded by Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (AI, 2007-2008); “Posidonia oceanica (L.) Del.: Employment of its Wastes in Agriculture” (POPRURA) - INTERREG III A Greece-Italy (AP, 2007-2008); “Production of greenhouse grown tomato with Zero-Runoff Systems” (PI, 2007-2008) and “Process and produce INNOvations for VALOrising the early potato crop in Puglia region” – fundend by Puglia Region (PI, 2004-2006, 2008-2009).