
Full Professor at the University of Bari (Italy) – Dept. of psychology, educational sciences, communication. Current Teaching courses - Educational Psychology (under graduate) - Educational Psychology and E-learning (specialized course for work psychologists) DEGREES: - PhD in Psychology of Communication: Cognitive, Affective and Linguistic processes. University of Bari, May 11th 1999. - University graduation in Psychology, University of Rome "Sapienza", March 17th 1988. - “Diplôme Europeen d'Etudes Avancées en Psychologie Sociale" (DEEAPS), University of Geneva (CH), 16 February 16th 1998 FELLOWSHIPS: - 1990/'91: OLIVETTI-CNR two-years grant on “Cognitive aspects of learning using technologies” - 1992/'93: ALENIA two-years grant on “Human-machine interaction systems and tutorials” - 1993/'94: CNR/NATO one-year grant on “Metacognitive skills and Collaborative Technology” – AT THE Graduate School of Education, UniversitY of Berkeley, CA (USA) - 1995/96: SOCRATES-ERASMUS six-months grant 6 mesi on “Social influence on online communication environments” at the 'University of Ginevra (CH) - 1996: Learning Science, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL (USA), four-months grant on “Building educational multimedia” - 1999/2000: European Community, Training and Mobility of Researchers (TMR) Marie Curie Research Training one-year Grants on “EDVIRE: EDucational VIrtual Reality Environment for collaborative learning and networked multimedia”, at the University of Nijmegen (NL) FORENEIGERS LANGUAGES - English: advanced - French: good - Spanish: basic - Dutch: basic She has been a member of EARLI and ISCAR Executive Committee. She a co-founder of the Collaborative Knowledge Building Group ( and she is the main editor of a journal called Qwerty included into Scopus ( She is currently the coordinator of section of Developmental and Educational Psychology of the Italian Association of Psychology (AIP) (

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pubblicato il 17/12/2015 ultima modifica 28/09/2017

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