July 20, 1990: Degree in Agrarian Sciences - Top grades (110/110) cum laude Agrarian Faculty - University of Bari, Italy. March 2, 1993-2000: Researcher of Food Science and Technology at the Agrarian Faculty - University of Bari, Italy. 2001-2016: Associate professor of Food Science and Technology at the Agrarian Faculty - University of Bari, Italy. 2017-current: Full professor at the Department of Soil, Plant and Food Sciences of University of Bari, Italy.
Author of over 265 publications published on referenced international journals present in Scopus database, for which 5550 total citations were obtained, with a with an average of citations of about 21 per publication and a “h” index equal to 41.
Principal investigator of the following research projects:
- “S.O.S. – Sustainability of the Olive-oil System” financed by AGER, “Fondazioni in Rete per la Ricerca Agroalimentare”;
- “Qu.Al.E.olio – Identification of the variables determining the formation of alkyl esters in quality olive oils for food safety and commercial valorisation of extra virgin olive oil from Apulia” financed by Regione Puglia nell’ambito di “Linee guida per la ricerca e la sperimentazione in agricoltura 2012-2014. Avviso pubblico per la presentazione di proposte di ricerca e sperimentazione in agricoltura indetto con Determinazione del Dirigente del Servizio Agricoltura n. 175/AGR del 15 aprile 2013”;
- “GOOD-BY-WASTE. Obtain GOOD products – exploit BY-products – reduce WASTE”, financed by Programmi di Ricerca Scientifica di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale 2017;
- “PATENT” – Migloramento dei Prodotti con formulazioni alimentari ad AlTo valorE qualitativo e NuTrizionale, financed by MISE nell’ambito dell’avviso Accordi per l’Innovazione.
Responsible of scientific projects of relevant national interest:
- “Lipid characterization and proteomic approach for the definition of the quality of traditional products of native pigs (COFIN-PRIN 2004);
- “Identification and characterization of peptides and molecules of neoformation with biological activity in dairy products, according to the safety of use and health properties (COFIN-PRIN 2006);
- “Long Life, High Sustainability” - "Shelf Life Extension as an indicator of sustainability". Combining the life extension of a food product determined by an innovation of formulation, process or packaging, with the variation of sustainability of the entire product life cycle (PRIN 2012);
- “PROINNO_BIT – Development of innovative food products through biotechnological, plant and technological solutions” (MIUR, P.O.N. Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013, art. 13 - Decreto Direttoriale prot. N. 641/Ric. dell’8 ottobre 2012);
- “Recovery of the Olive Germplasm from Apulia (Re.Ger.O.P.)”. Programma Sviluppo Rurale FEASR 2007-2013, Reg. (CE) 1698/2005, Asse II “Miglioramento dell’Ambiente e dello Spazio Rurale”, Misura 214 “Pagamenti Agroambientali”, “Azione 4 Sub azione a): Progetti integrati per la Biodiversità”;
- “Microsistemi multifunzionali per il monitoraggio dei processi ossidativi di oli da olive - M3O3” (Codice pratica: XMPYXR1) “POR Puglia FESR–FSE 2014-2020 – Azione 1.6 - lnnoNetwork”;
- “Evaluation of the quality of food vegetable oils as cover in fish preserves” (Project for young researcher financed by CNR).
Invited speaker in many conferences and Referee of many international scientific journals.
Over the years he has held lessons in the field of Food Science and Technology, with particular reference to the subjects of Oil technology and of Unit operations of food technology.
Currently, he is Coordinator of the Department's PARITETICA Faculty/Student Commission and has been Coordinator of the Bachelor and Master Degree in Food Science and Technology (L-26 and LM-70, respectively) at the University of Bari Aldo Moro from 2015 to 2022 and President of GIUNTA for the same period.
Moreover, he has been component of the Commission for the granting of National Scientific Qualification at the functions of full and associate academic professor for the competition sector 07/F1 - Food Science and Technology (ASN 2018).
Moreover, he has been President of the Commission for the access to Tirocinio Formativo Attivo (TFA) course to A057 – Food Science teaching (D.R. 3480 of July 6th, 2012) and component of Commissions for: the selection of University Researcher; the confirmation of Associate Professors; Doctorate; the Committee of Area “15B “Food science and safety” in the framework of the academic process of evaluation of the university researches (period 2001-2003), and many academic boards of the Agrarian Faculty
He is a member of the PhD School in " Soil and Food Chemistry Sciences”. He is tutor of PhD students, and assists many students in the preparation and discussion of their final thesis for their University graduation.
He has been supervisor of international researchers during their research stay at the DISSPA Department of University of Bari and tutor of PhD students.
He is member of the scientific associations " Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Sostanze Grasse (SISSG)” and "Società Italiana di Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari" (SISTAL) of which he has been a member of the Board of Directors (July 2015-June 2018) whit the role of Treasurer.