SPYWATCH - Summer School "PhYsiology and Biophysics of Water and Ion Channels"

SPYWATCH - Summer School "PhYsiology and Biophysics of Water and Ion Channels"

SPYWATCH - Summer School "PhYsiology and Biophysics of Water and Ion Channels"

Cohesion Action Plan for higher education and sustainable development through enforcement of innovative courses offered by Apulian Universities C (2016)1417 - 3.03.2016.
Action Plan: Promotion of Summer Schools offered by Apulian Universities
Summer School in PhYsiology and Biophysics of Water and Ion Channels (SPYWWATCH)
CUP n. H91I17000070009
PROMOTER: Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro
Partner: MASMEC S.p.A.



Application deadline: April 27 th 2018.         

Dipartimento di Bioscienze, Biotechnologie e Biofarmaceutica
Partner: MASMEC Spa

Academic Year: 2017/2018

Training credits: 4 CFU Language: English
Maximum number of participants:  30 
Fee: free of charge - Costs of the SPYWWATCH are financed by Cohesion Action Plan funds -agreed with the European Commission and managed by Apulia Region- and by MASMEC S.p.A.  


Participants are required to pay for the registration fee (stamp duty  16,00) and the insurance  contribution of € 4.13 ( € 20,13 in total).


The “Summer School in PhYsiology and Biophysics of WATer and Ion CHannels” SPYWATCH- 1st Edition  will be held  from 18-22 June 2018. The objective of the Course is to provide theoretical and practical knowledge on latest generation biophysics techniques, useful in the study of the molecular mechanisms underlying water and ion channel physiology and physiopathology. These objectives  will be achieved through numerous activities both in the classroom and the laboratory.

SPYWATCH will be open to 30 students with scientific training including, graduates, PhD students and post-docs interested in the biophysics of channel proteins. 

SPYWATCH - Summer School "PhYsiology and Biophysics of Water and Ion Channels"

Allegato 1

Summer School "Transizione energetica e idrogeno 2017 (TEI2017-2)"

application/pdf Allegato 1.pdf — 949.8 KB

DR n. 3079 del 05.10.2017

Admitted students


Venue & Accomodation



Department of Physics

How to reach us 

application/pdf Accomodations.pdf — 120.4 KB


SPYWATCH - Summer School "PhYsiology and Biophysics of Water and Ion Channels"

Director - Committees - Contacts

SPYWATCH - Summer School "PhYsiology and Biophysics of Water and Ion Channels" - a.a. 2017/2018

Summer School Director

Grazia Paola Nicchia

Full Professor of Physiology
Tel + 39  080 5443335 - email:

Coordinators of the Organization Commitee 

Maria Grazia Mola mariagrazia.mola@uniba.it

Andrea Gerbino




Scientific Committee

Prof. Grazia Paola Nicchia (Director of the Summer School)

Prof. Maria Svelto (Director of the Dept of Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biopharmaceutics)

Prof. Giuseppe Calamita

Prof. Monica Carmosino

Prof. Antonio Frigeri

Prof. Giuseppe Procino

Prof. Grazia Tamma

Prof. Giovanna Valenti

Organization Committee

Dr Maria Grazia Mola (Coordinator)

Dr Patrizia Gena

Dr Andrea Gerbino

Dr Francesco Pisani

Dr Marianna Ranieri



SPYWATCH - Summer School "PhYsiology and Biophysics of Water and Ion Channels"


application/pdf relatori.pdf — 374.5 KB


SPYWATCH - Summer School "PhYsiology and Biophysics of Water and Ion Channels"




SPYWATCH - Summer School "PhYsiology and Biophysics of Water and Ion Channels"


SPYWATCH - Summer School "PhYsiology and Biophysics of Water and Ion Channels"

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document sif.docx — 34.4 KB

pubblicato il 06/10/2017 ultima modifica 20/10/2022

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