Who to contact


Student Services

(Person in charge: Sig. Saverio SANTORO - email: saverio.santoro@uniba.it)

(Person to contact relative to Materials Science and Technology: Sig.ra Maria Angela COSTANZA - email: mariaangela.costanza@uniba.it)

Administrative services are:

Student Affairs

(Person in charge: Sig. Giandomenico GISONDA - email: giandomenico.gisonda@uniba.it)

(Person to contact relative to Materials Science and Technology: Mr. Giandomenico Gisonda at giandomenico.gisonda@uniba.it - Office hours: From Monday to Friday, 09:30 - 12:30 AM Dip. di Chimica - 1° floor - Room nr. 127)

The student affairs office is responsible for the activities related to the student's educational path and the implementation and provision of the educational offer.
The student affairs office is responsible for activities related to:
  • training offer
  • student training courses
  • Exams
  • Student front office 
  • Professor front office 

Director of Studies

(Prof. Luigi GENTILE - email: luigi.gentile@uniba.it)

The Director of Studies has the task of coordinating the activities of the Study Course, both in the design aspects and of the realization, verification, and revision of the paths for improvement which the whole Study Course Council (CISTeM). The Director of Studies presides over and convenes the course/class/interclass Council and the Board; he is elected by the Council, among the full-time tenured professors making up the Council.

Social Media

Follow us on Facebook  Scienza dei Materiali Bari 

Follow us on Instagram  scimat.bari

To know the fantastic world of Material Science follow #materiaBari on social media.

To know info about our Master's Degree follow

Telegram Channel  materiaBari 

To get info on lessons and time schedule

Iscriviti al gruppo facebook  Scienza dei Materiali Bari

pubblicato il 01/12/2022 ultima modifica 05/06/2024

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