Class Locations

Classes hall

All classes are usually taken at the Department of Chemistry located in the Uniba CAMPUS area streat Edoardo Orabona 4, the hall number is indicated in the timetable of the lessons. More information on the hall locations is available here.


Laboratory activities are taken at the Department of Chemistry, Department of Physics or Department of Earth and Geo-environmental Sciences.

Teaching course Location
Proprietà Chimico Fisiche dei
Materiali Nanostrutturati
Dipartimento di Chimica, 1° p
Chimica dei Materiali Organici Dipartimento di Chimica, 2°p
Chimica Analitica dei Materiali Dipartimento di Chimica, p Terra
Nonlinear Optics & Biophotonics Dipartimento di Fisica, S36
Cristallografia con Laboratorio 2 Dip. di Scienze della Terra e
Geoambientali, p Terra

Study room

Students are allowed to use the classes hall if free otherwise they are entitled to contact the Director of Studies.


Students are allowed to use the library of the Department of Chemistry 

pubblicato il 17/02/2023 ultima modifica 07/02/2025

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