Trainings opportunities
Current programmes:
- University course in: "Industrial relationships in the credit and financial sector: juridical aspects, economic peculiarity and relationships". A.A. 2016-2017
The course promote the cultural and professional formation of the credit professionals and employees in Puglia.
Research programmes:
- C.A.P. collaborates with Cespi, Center for Studies of International Politics in Rome, to the research "Building the evidence base on the migrant and refugee crisis in the European Union", promoted by World Bank Group.
- Sociologia on line. Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia. Numero 10, Aprile 2016 Il CAP - Centro per l’Apprendimento Permanente: una ricerca-intervento “con e per” i cittadini dei Paesi Terzi.
Angela Mongelli, Daniele Morciano, Vittoria Jacobone, Amelia Manuti, Serafina Pastore e Fausta Scardigno, University of Bari A. Moro, Department of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Communication
- II edition of the Short Master "Immigration, Law and inclusive politics" A.A. 2016-2017
The University Departments "Scienze della Formazione, Psicologia e Comunicazione" of the University of Bariis proposing the II edition of the course (10 CFU). It is a good training opportunity for all students and people who work with foreigners in a context of integration.
Former projects:
- I edition of the Short Master "Immigration, Law and inclusive politics" A.A.2015-2016
Open to students and professionals, it is a training opportunity for all who work with foreigners in a context of integration and promotion of the cultural and economic-social capital of the migrant ones.
The training course is organized in 80 hours divided in 20 meetings (10 CFU). The methodology interchanges theoretical lessons and workshops.
The Short Master is sponsored by the District of Bari – Welfare department, Association of Lawyers, Association of Welfare Workers.
Partners of this training opportunity are: CAP and Welcome srl, academic spin-off for the evaluation of social politics.
- FEI 2013 Az.2 "Work for you" - European Fund for the Integration of Third-country Nationals 2007-2013
- FEI...2012 Az.2... 'fondata sul lavoro'" - European Fund for the Integration of Third-country Nationals 2007-2013