CAP is part of a wide national and international partnership in order to have a better efficacy and to obtain better results.
Our partners are:
With the Refugees Welcome Map campaign, the Association of European Universities (EUA) aims to showcase the commitment of higher education institutions and organisations in supporting refugees. EUA is collecting data on their initiatives and activities via a brief survey and presenting them in a interactive map, continuously updated. The campaign began in Europe but is open to institutions and organisations around the world.
EUA granted a web of 850 universities in 47 countries. Higher education institutions are also developing initiatives tailored to refugee students and university staff, and have included subjects concerning migration and refugees into teaching and research.
Founded in 1951, the International Organization for the Migrations is the main intergovernmental organization for migration. States members are 165. Italy is one of the countries founders. Since September 2016 the Agency is connected to the United Nations.
Iom acts with its partners in the international community to: assist in meeting the growing operational challenges of migration management; advance understanding of migration issues; encourage social and economic development through migration; uphold the human dignity and well-being of migrants.
The project, financed by European Commission in 9 countries (Italy, Belgium, Hungary, Ireland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and the United Kingdom), under International Organization for Migration offices, aims to improve job access and labour market integration of beneficiaries of international protection in Europe.
The goal is to guarantee to the applicants and the holders of international protection specific information and services relating to skills recognition: formal competences, not formal and informal. This to facilitate their access to the labour market and therefore their real integration.
The three main objectives are: a practical handbook with guidelines to support initiatives of validation and recognition of skills according to the Ue countries best practices and mechanisms for validation and recognition of competences; An interactive online tool which includes procedures and information for employers, to increase access of residence permit holders into the labour market; Establishment of a European network of experts, communities, interest groups, employers.
Centre for mobility and academic equivalences. It was created in 1984 in collaboration with MIUR (Ministry of University and Research). Its aims are:
• To inform about opportunities and procedures to obtain the validation degrees acquired in foreign countries.
• To give inquiry to the institutions about the evaluation of foreign degrees focusing on the validation procedures.
• To promote the free circulation of European and not-European students all over the world.
European Network of Information Centre in the European Region promoted by the European Council and Unesco.
It is a wide web of institution located in different European countries. The aim is to recognize the degree documents and professional/academic skills. Both Enic/Naric give information about the procedures to practice regulated jobs; to confer titles at the end of a period of study or after a period of study abroad; to give information about the validation of foreign degree titles.
It is a net of 30 Italian Universities focusing on life-long learning joined to EUCEN.
The aim is to promote life-long learning as an active contribution to the society and give value to every single person.