Didactic Laboratories

SILAD: Integrated System of Didactic Laboratories (Sistema Integrato dei LAboratori Didatattici)


The SILAD includes 3 laboratories for practical lessons and exams. The software (for Windows) installed in the SILAD is listed here. The labs are called Turing, Boole and Von Neumann and are situated on the 3rd floor of the Department.


Students may access the SILAD labs only if they are enrolled in one of the Computer Science degree courses in the dib and have a student's record book.


The labs may be used for:

M1. practical lessons/exams in the presence of a teacher, tutor or delegate;

M2. studies or projects linked to the lessons, when no lessons or exams are taking place and during supervising staff hours.


All students accessing the labs in M2 must havewritten authorization from their teacher and a valid identity card/document. They must also sign a register, specifying name, surname, matriculation number, degree couse, year of study, start/finish times and number of computer used.


Students are not allowed to:

a. connect to the Internet with their own computers via the lab's local network;

b. install/disinstall software and/or change configurations on the lab's computers;

c.use the labs for work other than that connected with didactics;

d. behave negligently, carelessly, or in any way that could cause damage to the Department;

e. tamper with the equipment.


Students who do not respect these rules will not be allowed to use the labs and, in more serious cases, will be reported to the Department Head.


Staff in charge


Coordinator: Prof. Fabio Abbattista

Supervisor: Dr. Manrico Mantini

published on Jun 22, 2017 last modified Jul 09, 2024

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