Historical and Philosophical Heritage for a Sustainable Innovation

Coordinator: Prof.ssa Elisabetta Todisco

Administrative office: Dipartimento di Ricerca e Innovazione Umanistica


  1. PHILOSOPHICAL DISCIPLINES (Academic disciplines list for Italian University Research and Teaching: M-FIL/01 ; M- FIL/02 ; M-FIL/04 ; M-FIL/05 ; M-FIL/06 ; M-FIL/08 ; M-STO/05)
  2. HISTORICAL DISCIPLINES (Academic disciplines list for Italian University Research and Teaching: L-ANT/02 ; L- ANT/03 ; M-STO/01 ; M-STO/02 ; M-STO/04 ; M-STO/07 ; M-STO/09 ; SECS-P/12)


  • Totale posti messi a concorso: n. 14 di cui:

    n. 1 position, funded by University of Bari, reserved to candidates with degrees from foreign universities (not distributed among the curricula);
    n. 5: curriculum 1: Philosophical Studies

    n. 8 curriculum 2: Historical Studies

Duration: 3 years