Biosciences and Biotechnology

Coordinator: Prof. Giovanna Valenti

Administrative office: Department of Biosciences, Biotechnologies and Environment 


  1. Biomolecular Sciences and Bioinformatics (Scientific disciplinary sectors: BIO/10, BIO/11, MED/46)
  2. Cellular and Molecular Physiology and Biotechnology (Scientific disciplinary sectors: VET/10, AGR/17, MED/04, ING-IND/34)
  3. Biochemical Sciences and Cell Biology (Scientific disciplinary sectors: BIO/14, BIO/16, CHIM/11)
  4. Genetics, Microbiology and Molecular Evolution (Scientific disciplinary sectors: BIO/18, BIO/19, BIO/08, MED 03)
  5. Morphofunctional Biology (Scientific disciplinary sectors: BIO/04, BIO/05, BIO/06, BIO/07)


  • Total number of positions with fellowships n. 15:
    • n. 6 positions on D.M. 118/23 PNRR 4.1
    • n. 1 positions on D.M. 118/23 PNRR 3.4 Transizioni Digitali n. 3 positions on D.M.117/23
    • n. 2 positions on Ateneo funds
    • n. 3 positions PNRR Centri Nazionali CN3
  • Total number of positions without fellowships n. 3

Duration: 3 years