Particle, Astroparticle Physics and Advanced Technologies

This curriculum aims to train students in wide range of disciplines from the experimental aspects of high energy and astroparticle physics up to the development of ionizing radiation detectors, both for physics experiments and for the applications of such detectors to different fields, such as the environmental and medical fields. Moreover, students can develop skills in the management and analysis of Big Data, having the possibility to be exposed to the various experiments conducted at CERN.

Also, during the final dissertation students could join projects led in collaboration with scholars from all over the world, resulting in an improvement and ‘contamination’ of methodological approaches.

The curriculum aims to prepare graduates not only for both the national and international academic world, but also for the industrial world, being able to rely on the combination of many specialized and operational skills with the ability to interact and spirit of initiative developed through research experience in large and varied working groups.

Study plan

1st year - 1st semester

  1. Mathematical Methods of Physics
  2. Laboratory of Digital Devices
  3. Quantum Field Theory
  4. Particle Detector Physics
  5. Statistical Data Analysis

1st year - 2nd semester

  1. Elementary Particle Physics
  2. 1 course to be chosen between 

7.a Interacting Quantum Fields

7.b Quantum Technologies

  1. Fundamental Interactions
  2. 1 course to be chosen among

9.a High Energy Astrophysics

9.b Collider Particle Physics

9.c Computing Technologies

2nd year - 1st semester

  1. Particle and Radiation Detector Laboratory
  2. 1 course to be chosen among

11.a Scientific Data Analysis Laboratory

11.b Laboratory of Data Acquisition Technologies

11.c Health Physics

    published on Sep 18, 2024 last modified Sep 18, 2024

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