Application & Requirements

The program is reserved to 100 students


Students have to apply for the entry test, which consists of 75 multiple choice questions on the following subjects:
Industrial organization/Economia Industriale (SECS-P/06) 
For info: Prof. Ernesto Somma
1. Industrial organization 
2. The cost structure of the firm
3. Introduction to game theory
4. Markets and competition analysis: a.Perfect competition; b. Monopoly and monopolistic competition; c. Oligopoly and strategic behaviour; d. Cartels and collusion
5. Product differentiation
6. Sector Analysis
Suggested textbook: L. Pepall, D. Richards, G. Norman, Industrial Organization, 4th ed., Blackwell, 2008

Accounting/Ragioneria generale (SECS-P/07)
For info: Prof. Sabrina Spallini
1. Financial report as a purpose to provide information for others.
2. The accounting equation (or basic accounting equation):
3. Assets, Liabilities, Stockholder Equity.
4. The operating income, revenues and costs.
5. The rules of financial report, the civil code and the accounting standards.
6. The Financial Report:
7. Income statement (referred to as "results of operations" or "earnings statement" or "profit and loss [P&L] statement")
8. Balance sheet (referred to as "statement of financial position")
9. Statement of cash flows (referred to as “cash flow statement”)
10. Balance sheet for financial statement analysis:
11. The current and fixed asset and current and long term liability
12. Financial ratios based on balance sheet
13. Working capital, current ratio, quick ratio, Fixed asset to equity capital margin, fixed asset to equity capital and medium-long term debt margin.
14. Income statement for financial statement analysis
15. Revenue and gains: operating revenues; nonoperating revenues; gain on the sale of long-term assets, lawsuits result from a transaction outside of the primary activities.
16. Financial ratios based on income statement: E.B.I.T., R.O.E., R.O.S. 
Accounting principles  -  Financial Accounting

Marketing (SECS-P/08)
For info: Prof. Luca Petruzzellis
1. The Marketing Framework
2. The Competitive Environment
3. The Consumer
4. Setting Marketing Goals
5. Market Research
6. Marketing Planning 
7. Segmentation and Targeting          
8. Positioning  
9. Product
10. Branding   
11. Pricing      
12. Distribution          
13. Promotion & Communication
Suggested text book: Alexander Chernev, Strategic Marketing Management (8th edition), Cerebellum Press

Statistics/Statistica (SECS-S/01)
For info: Prof. Silvestro Montrone
1. Data collection and classification
2. Statistical tables
3. Statistical ratios. Averages. Measurement of Variability.
4. General concepts of the internal relations between the components of a double statistical variable.
5. Analysis of  Dependence
6. Analysis of Interdependence
7. Analysis of statistical mutables.
8. Time series analysis
9. Spatial series analysis
10. Introduction to statistical inference

"core e-books" --> "introductory e-books" --> "Introductory Business Statistics"

Moreover, an oral interview in English will take place to evaluate the language skills.


To be admitted to the entry test students must have:
- Undergraduate degree in Scienze economico-aziendali (classe 17 e 33 DM 509/99 ovvero classe L-18 e L-28 DM 270/2004) - business and economics
if graduated in any other degrees, 60 Credits in the following subject areas:

 10 Credits (CFU) in the sector SECS-P/01 (Economics)

 8 Credits (CFU)  in the sector SECS-P/06 (Applied economics)

 16 Credits (CFU) in the sector SECS-P/07 (Accounting and business administration)

 16 Credits (CFU) in the sector SECS-P/08 (Marketing and management)

 10 Credits (CFU) in the sector SECS-S/06 (Maths for economics) o SECS-S/01 (Statistics)

Per l’ammissione al concorso il candidato dovrà essere in possesso di una laurea ricompresa nella classe delle lauree in Scienze economico-aziendali (classe 17 e 33 DM 509/99 ovvero classe L-18 e L-28 DM 270/2004) ovvero di un'altra classe di laurea purché durante tutta la carriera degli studi universitari abbia conseguito un minimo 60 crediti formativi (CFU), suddivisi nei seguenti settori scientifico-disciplinari:

 10 CFU nell'ambito del settore scientifico-disciplinare SECS-P/01

 8 CFU nell'ambito del settore scientifico-disciplinare SECS-P/06

 16 CFU nell'ambito del settore scientifico-disciplinare SECS-P/07

 16 CFU nell'ambito del settore scientifico-disciplinare SECS-P/08

 10 CFU nell'ambito del settore scientifico-disciplinare SECS-S/06 o SECS-S/01

- Very good knowlegde of the English language (minimum level B2)

Azioni sul documento

pubblicato il 22/07/2016 ultima modifica 27/07/2016