University of Bari

Scalinata affreschi palazzo Ateneo
Founded in 1925, the University of Bari, is one of the most prestigious universities in Southern Italy. With a student population of around 60,000, the University has been recently entitled to one of its most famous student, the statesman Aldo Moro. Moro taught for several years Criminal Law at the University of Bari.


The University of Bari in Italy was founded in 1925. It is a state-supported university which is divided into 12 faculties. Each faculty has its own set of departments that focus on the arts, sciences, mathematics, social sciences, literature, medicine, law, and education.


The university offers various courses for undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students. Aside from teaching, the university is also focused on scientific research at the doctorate level. The University of Bari research centres are highly-interactive, having connections among different departments, universities, and other research centres.

Among the university's facilities include central and departmental libraries, theatres, lecture halls, job placement centres, a press office, counselling centres, and a university chapel. These facilities are open to students, faculty, and staff and can be used free of charge. Each year, the university holds different cultural and part-time activities that foster friendship among local and international students. The Erasmus/LLP programme is very active in the Medical field (code Bari01).

Scholarships and benefits

The University of Bari Aldo Moro offers to its students a wide range of aids and benefits. Financial aids are assigned to students that fulfil the conditions required in the competition notice published by A.di.S.U. (Regional Authority for the Right to Higher Education).
Students can apply also for education grants endowed by foundations and other institutions.

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pubblicato il 20/07/2012 ultima modifica 27/03/2013